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"Litigation and Prevention of Insurer Bad Faith" (3d edition, Thomson Reuters West Publishing, in 2 Volumes With Current Supplements Written by the Author).

Featuring over 5,000 case and other citations, this Book is the product of over three decades of litigation and research experience. Updated annually, in Two Volumes, both with current Supplements, in print and Online. 

Book Review of the Third Edition by Perry Cone, Esquire in The Florida Bar Journal. (161 KB)

Praise for the Third Edition of "Litigation and Prevention of Insurer Bad Faith":

"Wall's comprehensive treatise covers the waterfront in two volumes. It is the quintessential A-to-Z guide, a resource for both Florida and the entire U.S.


 Litigation and Prevention of Insurer Bad Faith is a serious read and an essential legal resource. You may not want to take it on your vacation, but you will want to keep it at hand in your office to help you work through thorny legal issues."

Book Review of the Second Edition by Douglas G. Houser, Esquire. (89.4 KB)

Praise for the Second Edition of "Litigation and Prevention of Insurer Bad Faith": "The author has done the public, the profession, and the courts a real favor in this exceptionally thoughtful and complete publication."

Book Review of the Second Edition by John C. Tollefson, Esquire. (49.5 KB)

Praise for the Second Edition: "In sum, the book has earned the highest recommendation I can give - I use it."